Sunday, August 16, 2009

Please dont blame me for all these outcomes.
You brought these all upon yourself.
I've told you to cherish me,
stop all your lies and just be honest & faithful towards our relationship.
But all my words have never once hit into your mind.
I've to leave,
because i know that i couldn't take it any longer.
You asked me to be back to you,
but have you ever thought of why i always rejected?
Because I'm not able to trust you anymore,
I don't want to trust you,
because all my words,
all my efforts,
have been drained by both your bare hands.
You left me dumbfounded.
I don't want all these to repeat anymore.
I don't believe that I have not tried my best to be your ideal boyfriend.
You always told me that I'll always be your best boyfriend,
but in the other hand,
you don't cherish me.
You're spinning me round & round,
until now.
I chose to left,
& I believe that I've made the right choice.
Don't cry anymore.
& Please, don't blame me for all these.

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