Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm walking away, i need to clear my head.

If you love someone tell them soon and tell them often
You never know what time love has
If they don't know how you feel their love may pass
Show them that you love them and that you care
Cause without warning they may not remain there
Don't ever take for granted how much they like you
If they're unsure about you to avoid heartache you may be left blue
Don't ever take for granted their affection
Careless behavior can send them in the other direction
And in the end you'll lose your love connection
A reality check is one that many people hate to cash
Because a lot of times the payment is seeing their hopes die in a flash
The moral of the story is if you love someone express it a lot
Because the lack of expression can make it last not

I'm working again later on ! (:

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